The Best Vst Plugins For Vocals

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When you are professionally mixing your vocals, these need the best VST plugins. When you have the best vocal VST plugins then obviously, you will get great sounds. Vocals are an important part of a vocal mix. They are the important point of a song and need the most attention. However, mixing vocals is challenging as well. There are various tools used for treating vocals. The following are some best vocal VST plugins.

Hello Composers! Mike here, with a quick guide on the Best Vocal VST Plugins. The human voice is the most expressive instrument in the world. You can use vocals to sing intimate solo performances, 'in your face' vocals for rock/pop, all the way to mega epic choirs in the background. Best Vocal Synth VSTs Plugin For 2020. Have you ever wondered how Peter Frampton and other musicians have been able to create an electronic-sounding vocal? The answer is often a vocal synth effect. This effect lets you transform regular vocals into electronic sounds. The best vocal synth VST plugins allow you much creative freedom.

list Of The 10 Best Vocal VST Plugins


It is the bestdigital parametric equalizer. You can use it to sculpt vocals with greataccuracy and transparency. This sports an impressive Retina interface thatprovides 24 frequency bands. It also contains zero latency, high-quality phasemodes, mid and side processing, dynamic EQing, variable stereo placement of EQbands, optional Auto Gain, an intelligent solo feature, a customizable spectrumanalyzer, and much more.

Subtractive EQing vocals can be a critical step. Equalization creates clarity, fixes problematic frequencies, and adds presence. Parametric equalizers are great for corrective and surgical EQ work. They can improve or cut frequencies with pinpoint accuracy. They are flexible, contain adjustable frequency bands, and are transparent sounding also.

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Various goodanalog-style EQs can improve vocals. Picking the best one is hard. The Maag EQ4provides it's legendary ‘Air Band,' which does a great job at improving thehigh end to add color and clarity. You can also enhance the ‘Air Band' to bringthe vocals into focus without sounding unpleasant.

When you are doing corrective work with subtractive equalization and compression, then after, you should try shaping the tone of your vocal with additive equalization. Tonal equalization will add character and presence. For instance, it's common to improve the high end of a vocal to add presence in pop and electronic music.

The better way toadd shape tone and presence is with an analog-modeled EQ. These equalizers add,warmth, character, presence, punch, and sheen to vocals. If you have a dullvocal, you should try using the Maag EQ4 to put your vocal at the front of themix.


The UREI/UniversalAudio 1176 is one of the most popular and widely utilized FET limitingamplifiers. It's a fast compressor, capable of taming sharp transients in thevocal. Moreover, it has a desirable sonic character revered by top musicengineers and producers. There're also many plugin emulations of iconic 1176.Waves and UA both have 1176 plugins that work excellent on vocals!

Vocals arefrequently the loudest and most forward element in most modern mixes. It iscritical to keep the vocal performance consistent and present in the mix.Compression will smooth out the dynamic range of your vocal to keep constantlevels. It also adds loudness and assist shape the tone of the vocalperformance.

It is frequentlygreat to apply compression in multiple stages. Instead of using a single compressor,you should use multiple compressors with subtle settings. For instance, 1compressor to control dynamic range and loud peaks. Then, a 2nd compressor toadd consistency, add character and shape the tone. The result soundsextra-musical and natural.


FabFilter's Pro-G isa perfect noise gate plugin. It provides metering, channel linking, flexiblerouting, sidechain, and a modern interface. It also features mono, mid /sideprocessing or stereo, and gate algorithms or six expanders. It is crucial toensure there're no unwanted noises in the vocal track. Listen for pops andclicks where 2 vocal clips meet. Also, humming, listen for crackles, and otherunwanted background noises. If there's noise between phrases, cut them out andapply fades on the clip edges. You can also use a noise gate plugin to remove annoyingbackground noise during quiet sections of a recording. Noise gates will lowerthe signal volume when it drops below a specific threshold level.


Waves Vocal Riderwill automatically adjust vocal levels. It will save your time because youdon't have to automate every level change or ride faders manually. Vocalrecordings are very dynamic. There're many loud and quiet parts throughout theperformance. It is important to control the dynamics so the recording stays ata consistent level throughout the mix. Modern standards of production needvocals to be intelligible, consistent, and present. Controlling vocal dynamicsfrequently needs a mixture of volume compression and automation. Utilizing gainautomation to create consistency before applying compression is the cleanestand most transparent way to level out the volume of vocals. This method willalso ease the load on compressors.

Voxengo OldSkoolVerb

Reverb for vocals isimportant. Reverb takes your vocals out of the room you recorded them in andlets you make your own sound space. OldSkoolVerb has got you covered no matterwhat you require are. From huge halls to a tiny closet, it provides you all thechoices to create a great sonic space in your mix.

Klanghelm DC1A

The DC1A is a niftysmall character compressor by Klanghelm. Its usages sophisticated compressionsettings and a simple two-knob setup that has you covered from smooth levelingto heavy pumping.

Alex Hilton A1 Trigger Gate

If you are ponderinghow far you are able to push your vocal track, this plugin Alex Hilton A1 willdo the great job letting you to know. With a step-style sequencer, this pluginpacks in a boatload of best effects. It is perfect for all kinds of stuff. So,grab it and begin experimenting.

GlitchMachines Hysteresis

Just like any otherpart of a mix, vocals are the best place to experiment. The effects onHysteresis certainly deliver a whole bundle of experimentation. This plugin willproduce abstract music malfunctions and robotic artifacts in a better way.

Fine Cut Bodies La Petite Excite

Exciter plugins will add subtle harmonics to vocal track for some extra sonic-excitement in the high range. The Fine Cut Bodies (you have to sign up to get this plugin) is the best plugin to try out. You should get this one and vocal it to your liking with some subtle harmonic distortions. this it was our last Best Vocal VST Plugins in the list if you have anything you want to say just say it in blow in the comments.

My name is Shane Beat, I'm a record producer, DJ, and songwriter. I'm from Canada, I worked with many biggest rappers from United states and Canada like Smoke purpp, Ski Mask the Slump God, k-os, I'm here to help you to develop your skills with new and best plugins in the world.

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Getting the vocals right in a mix is kind of everything. Even if everything else isn't perfect, if you nail the vocals, you're still doing ok and the artist will be reasonably happy. On the other hand, even if everything else is perfect, but the vocals are a touch off, it's going to stick out like a sore thumb and you might lose the gig. Of course, we strive to get everything right — I'm just stressing the point that vocals are the one element you have to absolutely nail.

My approach to vocals changes based on genre, based on what sound I want — and I experiment with plugins and gear all the time. But there are some plugins I keep coming back to that one would see in a lot of my mixes.

1. FabFilter Pro-DS

FabFilter Pro-DS is easily my go-to de-esser.

For a long time, I was actually automating sibilance by hand because I didn't like the graininess that I got from all the de-essers I tried. FabFilter Pro-DS in wideband mode is as good as automating by hand.

The split band also sounds great and works well on taming harsh tones that can show up around 3 kHz, not just sibilant tones higher up.

2. SoundToys EchoBoy

I spend an inordinate amount of time designing my ambiences, particularly on vocals. It's not uncommon for me to have three to five delay throws that I automate between throughout a record. EchoBoy gives me the versatility to create a number of delays — from subtle ambience around the vocals to overt effects.

I can do very tight delays for rap vocals, smeared 'pa system' delays for rock vocals or highly diffused and spread delays for pop. Basically, I feel like I don't have many limitations outside of my own creativity.

3. Klanghelm MJUC

I've tried a lot of different compressors for vocals, and while there's a number of hardware pieces I love, I haven't found too many in the software world. Oddly enough, the one that I keep coming back to again and again is the Klanghelm MJUC, which is one of the least expensive options available.

It's super versatile with a great tone. It's transparent enough to not distinctly change the tone, but just colored enough to give the voice a little extra magic. I can't imagine a genre where this compressor wouldn't work. And even if I were using some of my very expensive outboard, I would still likely be using this compressor as a parallel return.

4. Waves MV2

There's usually a point in my mix where I love my vocal sound, but I just want it to be a touch fuller and a hair more forward. This is where Waves MV2 is my finisher. The Waves MV2 has a 'low level' limiter which does something really interesting.

Instead of taking level above a threshold and attenuating, it takes level below the threshold and turns it up, keeping the louder signal exactly where it is. This effectively brings the vocal forward without actually turning it up louder. Even setting the low level up to just 2 or 3 adds a distinct amount of body to a vocal.

5. Avid Lo-Fi

Surprisingly enough, the stock Avid Lo-Fi plugin makes this list. Sometimes a vocal comes in too clean to really stand out in the right way. I use very subtle amounts of Lo-Fi to add grit to a vocal or shift the tone ever so slightly darker.

A very common use is for vocals that have a boxy low-mid. I want to get rid of the boxiness so I EQ out the cruddy low-mid, but then I'm missing body in the vocal. I use Lo-Fi to bring some of that body back. Sometimes a touch of distortion also helps the ear find a sound in the mix, so it's also a good tool for getting a bit of presence in the vocal without having to make EQ changes.


Best Vst Plugins For Vocals Free Download

6. Lexicon Vintage Plate

Best Vst Plugins For Vocals Free

This one is close. I use a lot of different reverbs for a lot of different vocals for a lot of different reasons. And most commonly, I use my hardware Bricasti, but if I had to pick only one reverb to have for vocals in the box, I'd go with the Lexicon PCM Vintage Plate. With this reverb, I don't believe I'd ever run into a vocal that I couldn't make sound incredible.

7. Boz Digital Hoser XT

There's a number of EQs I use on vocals. I use the FabFilter Pro-Q 2 for surgical stuff pretty often. I use Waves Q10 for background vocals very frequently. But if I had to pick one that I use more than anything else, it's probably the Boz Digital Hoser XT. It's punchy like SSL-style EQs, but a broader band like API-style EQs, which kind of makes it the perfect vocal EQ in my book.

If the vocal is recorded fairly flat, I love pulling in a bit of 'larger than life' smile curve with the broad low and high shelf and then tightening things up by getting rid of any boxy or harsh tone using the two bell bands. It's a process I do very often.

8. Wavesfactory Spectre

I have a lot of techniques for making a vocal sound rich in a certain frequency range. I will use parallel processing — either band-limited compression or saturation — that targets that range. It's a bit of a process to set up and it's a little tricky to dial things in just right. Getting a vocal to sound rich is even trickier when the vocal was not tracked in the best way possible. However, Wavesfactory Spectre has made this process much easier. Spectre works like an EQ but instead of boosting frequency content it boosts harmonic energy at a target frequency. This is exceptionally useful when it comes to getting vocals to sound full in the lower mids.

Turn the playback level very low with the entire mix going. Listen to the vocals. If they sound thin or diminished in any particular frequency range, grab Spectre. Set the 'Mix' to 100%, and dial in just enough of that frequency range to make the vocals stand over the record. Then turn the 'Mix' down to a lower percentage until the vocal seems to glue itself back into the track again. I find a little bit goes a long way. A dB or two boost at 30 to 50% is usually plenty. Experiment with the distortion algorithms — I find myself going to 'Warm Tube' very often. And set the Quality to 'Best.' Instant rich vocal.

Bonus: PSP B-Scanner

A lot of Pop and R&B vocals benefit from a bit of chorusing/modulation. It gives them some tonal movement, texture and a sense of spread. My favorite choice for this process is the PSP B-Scanner, and I don't believe this is at all what PSP intended for the plugin. But damn if it doesn't sound sexy tucked under a vocal 12dB down.

The Best Vst Plugins For Vocals Plugin

Now, I didn't list this in the primary seven because I don't believe this plugin would work well for Rap or Heavy Rock. I can't exactly call this one a 'favorite' for everything, but I had to at least mention it.

If I had nothing other than these plugins listed, I don't believe I'd have any restriction in mixing any vocal, from Top 40 Pop to grimy Punk-Rock. I'd be happy as a pumpkin in a pumpkin patch, and I'm pretty sure that's not even a real expression.

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Getting the vocals right in a mix is kind of everything. Even if everything else isn't perfect, if you nail the vocals, you're still doing ok and the artist will be reasonably happy. On the other hand, even if everything else is perfect, but the vocals are a touch off, it's going to stick out like a

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